
Social media is the single-most powerful marketing tool available to influencers and small businesses looking to expand their audience and reach more potential online customers. The largest of these platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) are aware of this and reduce the average account's potential reach to pressure businesses to pay for ad-space. According to the 2018 Sprout Social Index, Facebook controlled 84.9% of its social video ad growth. This is where Find US comes in, an automated service that helps users who lack funding to reach their target audiences. Find US monitors posts made by accounts under our service and provides statistics based on each post's performance and provide additional services to help reach followers. This includes mailing lists, additional offers, or customizable content a business can notify their audience of. Find US provides valuable marketing information to expand to small businesses reach through monitoring and automatic post services.

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Connor Perinovic

Connor Perinovic

Ethan Clifton

Ethan Clifton

Nicholas Stalf

Nicholas Stalf

Advisor: Ryan Moore

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