
According to a study published by Ohio State University news (Grabmeier, 2018), many college students have schedules that are all over the place. Seventy percent of college students are stressed about finances. A lot of them must budget their money as many are living on savings or working part-time. Many students also have a social life to balance as well. Planning to see others while working out a budget can be difficult. Palendar is a web-based application that allows users to create a monthly budget to help manage their money, as well as a social calendar to plan their time. There are social calendar and financial planner applications out there, but there aren't any that appeal directly to the younger demographic as well has having a budgeting tool built in. Having a web app that helps with both important areas of young people's lives allow Palendar to be a great app for many people to use.

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Asem Alghamdi

Asem Alghamdi

Cameron Stehlin

Cameron Stehlin

Evan Smith

Evan Smith

Advisor: Abdou Fall

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