
After COVID-19, schools have seen an increase in digital learning. However, teachers have different ways of accomplishing this; each teacher utilizes a different platform for posting assignments. This makes it difficult for students to keep track of homework assignments as they have to search multiple places before finding them. The solution we found was to use Google Apps Script to take student-inputted data from a form and put it on Google Calendar. A student can input the homework assignment, the bell it is for, and where the assignment is posted, and the form will automatically move this to their Google Calendar so students can see homework tasks later in an organized manner.

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Sage Bushstone, Will Allendorf, Michael Forschner, Jack Gerber, and Allison Spitzley

Sage Bushstone, Will Allendorf, Michael Forschner, Jack Gerber, and Allison Spitzley

Advisor: Phil Marchal

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