Design and develop a mobile OS optimized for educational use, with clean, fast, user-friendly features and compatibility with most devices. Aiming to reduce licensing costs for educational institutions.
It’s important for large-scale network environments to maintain a high level of security. In an athletic stadium, for example, thousands of users are connecting to the network through their own wireless devices. In order to prevent security...
The GladPack is a robotic backpack designed to help people with back problems carry heavy weights without causing any strain on their back. The backpack uses GPS/compass to navigate and can be controlled via a phone app, making it...
Staff and students alike at our high school have long been frustrated by the outdated pen and paper sign out process employed whenever a student needs to use the restroom, see a nurse, or even get a drink of water. This disruption...
Everyone knows that the weakest link in cybersecurity is people, phishing was reported to be the number one complaint from businesses totaling over 1.8 Billion Dollars in damages. My product is a set of contained viruses that a company's...
The elder marketplace helps solve this problem by furthering education in Entrepreneurship, localized within the school. It provides a safe space and Infrastructure in which students can exchange with transparency and efficiency, Rather...
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