
"TRIAD presents a comprehensive solution to upgrade authentication measures for law enforcement agencies like RCIC. Faced with the challenge of replacing RSA hardware tokens, our project investigated alternative multi-factor authentication (MFA) technologies. We proposed integrating fingerprint readers into Mobile Data Computers (MDCs) and utilizing radio frequency identification (RFID) badges for future three-factor authentication. This solution not only enhanced security and usability but also addresses RCIC's concerns about long-term sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Through research-driven methodology, we tailored a solution to meet current Law Enforcement Automated Data System (LEADS) security policies and future authentication needs."

undefined Poster


Ben Momeni

Ben Momeni

Colin Durham

Colin Durham

Gina Gable

Gina Gable

Matthew Dumford

Matthew Dumford

Maxwell Worman

Maxwell Worman

Advisor: Alex Kloft

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