
The Ohio Cyber Range Institute (OCRI) was created to improve the standard of cybersecurity education by offering various educational resources, exercises, and training programs. With a commitment to excellence, the OCRI hopes to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity threats. To achieve this goal, the OCRI continues to expand and requires standardized procedures to meet its evolving objectives. This package provides both comprehensive documentation and an early version of a replacement assessments application. The documentation of the OCRI’s Cyber Exercise model provides a set of standard operating procedures, role definitions, and expectations. In addition, the replacement application enables the OCRI to expand its cyber exercise capability by removing legal restrictions on assessment application use cases. As OCRI evolves and supports new capabilities, establishing repeatable procedures is crucial for sustainable growth.

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Breanna King

Breanna King

Broderic Duncan

Broderic Duncan

Christine Bourgholtzer

Christine Bourgholtzer

Cole Duffy

Cole Duffy

Advisor: Tyler Hopperton

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