
"CarPark UC is both a web application, as well as a mobile application, that is targeted towards all visitors and residents of the University of Cincinnati. Its functionality will aid users in being able to find the best available spaces within any parking garage located in or around the campus. Finding available parking spots can be a stressful and tedious task for anyone. Often around university campuses, many people will not know where available parking can be located, which typically leads to a loss of time, anxiety, and in some cases injury. CarPark UC will provide users with a seamless interface and guide them to the best possible parking lot or garage. The application will help users to save the time they deserve by showing an exact number of parking spots readily available and will even provide them with directions in the chance that they are lost."

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Anthony Mccartney

Anthony Mccartney

Chandler Roush

Chandler Roush

Nebiyu Tadsee

Nebiyu Tadsee

Yehya Hamed

Yehya Hamed

Advisor: Shane Halse

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