
The main objective of this research is to access the effects COVID-19 and working from home had on cybersecurity. In this paper, we look at the security posture of companies before having their employees work from home and the effects of covid 19 on their security posture with regards to the increase in security breaches as a result of working from home. This research takes a quantitative approach to identifying the percentage of employees in a section of corporate America who used to work from the office before the COVID-19 pandemic. It touches on how companies had to adjust to remote working due to the pandemic and the lockdown. This shift caused a surge in cybersecurity breaches. Having more people working from home increased attack surfaces and exposure of sensitive company information. The pandemic also increased the rate of anxiety in people and cybercriminals took advantage of that to run various phishing campaigns on governments and companies of which they were mostly successful.

Author: Prudence Attablayo

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