
Starting a food producing garden should be easier to do successfully. Getting data related to your specific gardening conditions can be time consuming and tedious for the average person who does not have any gardening experience. A simple yet shocking Google trends search for terms like “how to start a garden” and “food shortage”, since 2004 in the US had more than doubled during March of 2020 alone, which was marked by the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.STEMMED Gardens was created to make gardening easier by crowdsourcing scientific data and real-life gardening successes and failures. We created a web application with an Azure based backend for users to be able to plan, maintain, troubleshoot, and share those gardening experiences. New and experienced users can easily retrieve and identify plant information and gardening techniques that can be used in each stage of their personal food garden journey.

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Eli Garcia

Eli Garcia

Matthew McDowell

Matthew McDowell

Michael Alonge

Michael Alonge

Advisor: Yahya Gilany

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