
Omniscient File Assistant is a file management platform created for easy monitoring of file systems of remote end-user workstations. With the number of employees working from home now eclipsing 66%, the likelihood of insider misuse is at an all-time high as employees may struggle to balance their new work life (Herhold). Through its monitoring and analysis features, OFA allows an organization to mitigate improper device usage and data storage before serious security incidents arise. Capabilities include regular metadata collection, centralized data storage and reporting, file matching via hashing and other criteria, file content scanning, server backups, and a robust searching tool. By utilizing Omniscient File Assistant, an organization can lessen their chances of having end-user issues by preventing long-term storage of personal files, storage of restricted materials, and unauthorized modifications. Omniscient File Assistant provides a one stop interface for administrators to log, flag, track and remove files at their discretion.

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Benjamin Evans

Benjamin Evans

Cameron Bergman

Cameron Bergman

John Manny

John Manny

Advisor: Ryan Moore

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