
Hotel Helper is an automated housekeeping management system that alleviates hotel staff of tedious and manual administrative tasks. According to a study conducted by P&G, 78 percent of hotel guests expect an “above average” level of cleanliness. The average time to clean a hotel room has increased by two minutes which can lead to a $400,000 increase in expenses. In order to satisfy guests, housekeepers are unable to compromise any aspect of the cleaning process for efficiency. Hotel owners want to keep labor costs down as much as possible to minimize expenses. Hotel Helper allows communication between managers and housekeeping staff with updates on room cleaning progress, late checkouts, and any other room related requests all in a simple web application cheaper than current competition. Hotel Helper is used to increase hotel staff efficiency and minimize owner expenses through the modernization of an outdated pen and paper procedure.

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Awais Shoaib

Awais Shoaib

Jonathan Harold

Jonathan Harold

Advisor: Yahya Gilany

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