
According to Pew Research Center, as of 2017, two thirds of US adults get their news from social media, (Gottfried & Shearer, 2017). However, echo chambers within social media spheres cause information of the same type and political leaning to be shared, limiting the opportunity of learning new information, (Chen et al., 2020). My Neutral News is a hub for media regarding social justice issues with transparent political leanings and allows media to be shared to users' social media pages. Our team wanted to confront this problem by creating easily sharable articles with political leanings identified by a red-to-blue color gradient. My Neutral News was created using C# on Visual Studio, hosted in an Azure, and visitable via myneutralnews.org. It is based off ASP .Net Core framework the data is held in a SQL server database.

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Audrey Boyd

Audrey Boyd

Meredith Evans

Meredith Evans

Shayna Nicole Creech

Shayna Nicole Creech

Advisor: Abdou Fall

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