
The USDA reports that between 30 and 40 percent of all food is wasted along the supply chain, caused by issues such as insufficient temperature controls. Keeping food fresh is as important for the consumer as it is for the delivery company. ZeroTemp is an IoT smart solution using Raspberry Pi technology and 3G to send sensor data to the cloud. ZeroTemp is aimed at monitoring and reporting on the temperature and humidity of produce storage, medical units, and refrigerated delivery vehicles. Being able to remotely check temperature conditions and receive alerts for non-compliance enables insight into critical areas of the supply chain and allow operators to stay compliant with delivery regulations. ZeroTemp will enable companies to cut down on costs due to food loss and reduce the amount of environmental waste from spoilage.

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Alexander Ciudinovschi

Alexander Ciudinovschi

Curtis Sheldon

Curtis Sheldon

Trevor Rusch

Trevor Rusch

Advisor: Ryan Moore

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