
In today's ever-changing world, people are beginning to increasingly feel the effects of climate change. Many users want to make an impact, but many do not know how they can do to play their part. GreenImpact is the ultimate solution for users to have a better understanding of environmental problems and realize that everyone can contribute to solving environmental problems. Green Impact combines the feed of information, maps locations of social welfare projects, tracks green activities, shares what they find, and gets rewarded points. Based on the research of Pew Research Center surveys dating back nearly two decades, nearly as many Americans say protecting the environment should be a top policy priority (64%) as say this about strengthening the economy (67%) (February, 2020). Our application will serve as a tool for environmentally conscious people, who want to track their actions and see how they are making an impact.

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Adnan Alaliany

Adnan Alaliany

Han Cheng

Han Cheng

Spencer Comyns

Spencer Comyns

Advisor: Bander Alyami

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