Every year, freshmen across the US gain weight from the food courts on college campuses. Studies have found ⅔ of freshmen gain weight during their first year while 70% of students gain weight and body fat before graduation. Our mobile...
Accessible Wayfinding: McMapping Edition is a route-finding web application that provides users accessible routes within McMicken Hall. The University of Cincinnati's accessibility initiative uncovered deficits in the campus' overall...
The Astrum Network Scanner provides small business IT administrators the ability to keep their endpoints secure while saving time and money. According to CenturyLink in 2019, the average cost for network monitoring tools for a business...
CarWiz is the all-in-one tool car owners need to keep their cars maintained. This Android application aims to help its users eliminate the hassle of remembering when they need to have their car serviced and what servicing has been...
Insiders pose a real threat to the security of data centers. Choc-O-Lock is an auxiliary security system that uses facial recognition to authenticate users. The system will require the user to authenticate first at the door to the...
College Dreaming is a mobile-friendly website that provides a more holistic and engaging approach for prospective students and their families to search and ultimately apply to universities across the United States. As fewer students...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people had to adjust their daily routines and turn their home into their workplace and classroom. As a result, an increased amount of people utilized their home networks for a wide range of activities,...
E-Waste is defined as a discarded item containing a battery or plug. This type of waste had risen to 44.7 million metric tons (Mt) in 2017 from 41.4 Mt in 20141. An estimated $57 billion USD could have been recycled in 2019, providing...
According to the study by Annals of Family Medicine, a primary care physician has around 2,300 patients which fills up most of the doctor's typical day. EZ MedChat is a website for doctors, staff, and patients to easily connect and...
As a team of indecisive people, our goal was to make choosing what to wear a little easier. Fit of the Day is an innovative application that gives you new ways to style your clothes when you are having trouble deciding for yourself!...
New York Times Reporters have stated that “it would not be insane to think that 70% of independent restaurants in the United States could be closed by the coronavirus pandemic” (Severson & Yaffe-bellany, 2020). GRAP is a web and...
In today's ever-changing world, people are beginning to increasingly feel the effects of climate change. Many users want to make an impact, but many do not know how they can do to play their part. GreenImpact is the ultimate solution...
Since the start of the pandemic, support tickets coming in from channels like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and SMS rose nearly 50 percent. While this is convenient for the end user, it results in tickets not being properly generated...
HelpYouPwnUs is a web-based application dedicated to helping people looking to obtain impactful skills in the offensive security industry. According to studies from 2020, 93% of organizations stated that they would “benefit from an...
Tens of millions of people use smart devices in their homes providing convenience by using virtual assistants like the Google Assistant, Amazon's Alexa, and Apple's Siri. These assistants are always on and listening for commands to...
More than half of the United States workforce is now working outside of the office and 15% face daily connectivity issues. HomeNetCheck is a tool for users and remote support technicians to help better diagnose network issues which...
Hotel Helper is an automated housekeeping management system that alleviates hotel staff of tedious and manual administrative tasks. According to a study conducted by P&G, 78 percent of hotel guests expect an “above average” level of...
While moving, which the average American will do over 11 times during their lifetime (Bureau, 2020), there are many important factors that may be overlooked, which could positively or negatively affect the overall outcome of the move....
According to Cybersecurity Ventures, a private consulting firm, by 2021 there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs (Morgan, 2019). To address this gap, there is a need for a quick and interactive course to introduce younger...
Kollab is an innovative web application solution for young professionals struggling to gain credible experience in their area of interest, for the purpose of building out a reputable online portfolio. Kollab provides users with a platform...
According to a Bureau of Justice Statistics article (2016), in 2013, only 57% of federal and local law enforcement academies, as a part of their training, covered Internet or cybercrimes (p.7). The average number of hours trained on...
The Mobile Ordering App is a solution for small restaurants looking to expand their online customer base. Using other food delivery applications comes at additional cost for the business: DoorDash charges restaurants 15-30% in fees,...
Like a wardrobe full of clothes, LinkTailor is a virtual space where you can place applications, files, and websites - treating them as garments that you can style, tag, and organize into outfits for any occasion. If a user has occasion...
With the onslaught of COVID-19, many people have been forced into a work from home environment that they would have never chosen to be in. This new work setup comes with many benefits that can be easily be outweighed by all the distractions...
In the beginning of 2020, the world was shaken with COVID-19. Everyone was forced into being locked down and had to start cooking and baking for themselves. Many people do not know the basics of cooking or baking so they resorted to...
Everyone struggles to find relevant, up-to-date information online, especially IT professionals. Medium Overflow is a website that seeks to solve the problem of misinformed and outdated technical information on the Internet. According...
Knowledge bases are on the rise due to the increase in technologies used in the background to support daily operations for organizations. These knowledge bases contain information used to assist employees with their daily tasks and...
Most college graduates struggle to find a job after graduation. Indeed, the job search engine, published an article discussing the reasons behind this—three big reasons being: little experience, few to no skills, and lack of networking...
According to Pew Research Center, as of 2017, two thirds of US adults get their news from social media, (Gottfried & Shearer, 2017). However, echo chambers within social media spheres cause information of the same type and political...
Today, business networks are vulnerable as ever to the evolving threat landscape. Everyday seems to bring news of a security breach be it internal, external, or most recently, supply chain attacks. Without any sign of slowing on the...
Nimble's goal is to provide educators and students the tools to successfully teach and learn how to code online. Due to Covid-19, approximately 22.3 million students from more than 3,200 higher education institutions have been moved...
The Ohio Cyber Range Integrated Window is a solution that will cut down on Capture the Flag times, increase productivity in module learning, and help students retain knowledge. According to surveys that were taken by the Ohio Cyber...
Omnigistics is a scalable inventory management system that offers an intuitive approach to optimizing logistics operations for small to medium-sized companies. Small businesses either do not track inventory or use a manual method that...
Omniscient File Assistant is a file management platform created for easy monitoring of file systems of remote end-user workstations. With the number of employees working from home now eclipsing 66%, the likelihood of insider misuse...
In 2021, we as a society are facing a new era of remote learning opportunities, and, in turn, students, staff, and families alike require many tools in order to maintain safe and healthy learning. Since the beginning of the 2020-2021...
As of 2019, it was estimated that over 21 million people in the United States go without reliable Internet connectivity. The Internet is integral to everyday life now more than ever; many relying heavily on it for conducting work,...
Phishy is a platform used to help security administrators launch several simultaneous, simulated phishing campaigns to gauge and improve the phishing awareness of employees within their organization. In 2019, almost 90% of organizations...
Political Tap is a web and mobile tool designed to help American voters make informed decisions about representatives and candidates during elections. According to a 2018 poll, approximately 29% of surveyed citizens claimed that they...
Proctor Wiz is the perfect blend of functionality and security. This balance is not often seen in the proctoring service market, in many cases either the functionality is limited, and the security is sound, or the features are rich,...
The global smart mirror market is projected to reach $4,118.9 million by 2025, registering a CAGR (Compound Annual growth rate) of 11.5% from 2018 to 2025. We created a “smart” mirror that allows a person to efficiently do everything...
Puzzles is an apt example of solving modern problems with modern solutions. Looking at how COVID-19 pandemic affected our society, our team has come up with a solution to help business owners get back on their feet, not lose loyal...
According to Vox Media, Sinclair Broadcast group currently owns local news stations that broadcast to 72% of American households. (Change 2018) Finding a local news source with no bias is nearly impossible. Current social media applications...
Prisoner recidivism is a growing problem in the United States. Offenders often find themselves rearrested and returned to the system after a few short years. The IT Solutions Center's Risk Assessment System was developed as a web-based...
SchoolSpace is the best solution for any parent or student concerned about Covid-19. Students and teachers can gain a better understanding through accessible interactivity. SchoolSpace also provides the curriculum any student needs...
Modern organizations must adhere to security requirements from many different frameworks. With these frameworks arise redundancies. Security Controller fills the administrative niche created by these redundant requirements. Security...
Simply scheduled is a solution for Bridger Brewing's Management and similar small businesses who want to digitize their schedule. As stated by Software Advice, 61% of small businesses experience faster, easier, and accurate scheduling...
SoHoIT is a service dedicated to bringing Information Technology (IT) tools to small businesses that cannot find room in their budget to hire IT personnel. Small businesses can benefit from SoHoIT's services and reduce the cost of...
Starting a food producing garden should be easier to do successfully. Getting data related to your specific gardening conditions can be time consuming and tedious for the average person who does not have any gardening experience. A...
Student Life Plus seeks to give students a voice and improve the visibility of issues that students encounter every day. In partnering with UC Student Government, we built an application that we hope paves way for meaningful improvements...
Have you ever struggled with learning a new technology? Teach-Assist is a new solution for teachers and instructors who require an analytical app to monitor and track individual student and classroom data. Proven by data from well...
Technologically Organized is an effort to help a small business develop an internet presence. In today's world, 90% of consumers use the internet to find a local business yearly, with 33% looking every day(BrightLocal.com). Without...
The one-size-fits-all approach of asynchronous online learning neglects students' performance and ignores the effectiveness of conventional teaching practices, which leads to difficulties in knowledge retention and skill acquisition....
The UC Disc Golf App is the definitive solution for both new and experienced players to optimize their experience while on the course. With the use of GPS the app allows real-time mapping and visualization of any disc golf course....
VonLehman Cyber Security Auditing is a service that educates, measures and reports to businesses about the risks and vulnerabilities they are responsible for securing. Cybersecurity Ventures predicts by 2021, cybercrime will cost $6...
The USDA reports that between 30 and 40 percent of all food is wasted along the supply chain, caused by issues such as insufficient temperature controls. Keeping food fresh is as important for the consumer as it is for the delivery...
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